After a lot of searching I found out that Log2Console needs the Chainsaw Target in NLog, and the TCP/IP one that the receivers dialog shows doesn't work (atleast for ASP.NET apps).
Could you add an NLog example to the UDP receiver example, below the log4net example?
<target name="n1" xsi:type="Chainsaw" address="udp://" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="n1" />
Also make sure people know it has to be an IP address, as localhost won't work.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: WouterSF **
Could you add an NLog example to the UDP receiver example, below the log4net example?
<target name="n1" xsi:type="Chainsaw" address="udp://" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="n1" />
Also make sure people know it has to be an IP address, as localhost won't work.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: WouterSF **
For me it also works fine with the following target:
<target name="udp" xsi:type="Network" address="udp4://"
layout="${log4jxmlevent}" />
What does not work for log2console 1.6 and higher is the exceptions. They won't log into the Exceptions tab.